Bridges, Pedestrian Bridges

International Garden Exhibition 1993 – Cable-net footbridge at Löwentor

© Gert Elsner

In a free-form gesture a cable-net spans over the street and creates an artificial, walkable landscape. The cable-net carries a walkway and at the same time serves as scaffold for climbing plants.
The net structure consists of double strands furnished with wire rope clamps for nodes and edge connections. Depending on the cable forces, the edge cables are doubled or tripled. At the edge the net is anchored via masts. Highest and lowest interior points provide the necessary curvature. The walkway, a thin concrete slab, is supported on the net nodes by a vertically adjustable structure.

Stuttgart, Germany
Planungsgruppe Luz, Lohrer, Egenhofer, Schlaich
Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart
Project Responsibility
Jörg Schlaich, Andreas Keil


Technical Data

Thickness of concrete slab
12 cm
Mesh width
1 m
Net cables
stainless steel, 2 x 18 mm diameter
Edge cables
fully locked cables, 57 mm diameter
fully locked cables, 57 / 74 / 86 mm diameter




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