March 20, 2025 - 12:00 pm | Messe Dresden

The Danube Valley Bridge Linz – a special bridge for a special place

The new suspension bridge in Linz crosses the Danube, railroad tracks and main roads. The central box girder of the steel composite superstructure is supported every 14.55 m by hanger cables. The two main suspension cables each consist of 12 fully locked cables and were anchored directly to the rock of the steep slopes. As a result, pylons were not required allowing the four-lane bridge to blend harmoniously and unobtrusively into the Danube landscape.

As part of the Dresden Bridge Building Symposium, Andreas Keil, Board Member of sbp SE, will discuss the design and planning process of this large-scale project in Linz. Further information on the program and registration can be found here.

Andreas Keil