Art & Culture, Buildings

Beijing Performing Arts Centre

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The new theater complex is part of the master plan for the district center in Beijing’s Tongzhou District. It also includes the construction of a library and a museum. The Theater is situated in a prominent location along the Grand Canal directly across from the forthcoming governmental buildings of the Tongzhou District.
The complex consists of three white cubes with curved roofs. They are a visual reminiscence to the former warehouses along the historically important canal. The facades look like blinds that open up at the corners to reveal the large glass facades of the respective foyers. The base floor connects all three buildings (opera house, theater, and concert hall) with a common lobby area. With a height of 50 m, the opera house is the highest building in the ensemble. In addition, there are two basement levels, which are used as a parking garage, technical rooms and for stage equipment.
The outer shell of the three buildings is an independent steel structure. Inside, the supporting structure of the performance halls consists of a reinforced concrete framework. The floor plans are significantly influenced by the characteristic shapes of the interior auditorium and stage areas. The surrounding areas in the basement, on the other hand, are built on a clear, rectangular grid of 8.40 m, which allowed for a cost-efficient structural system.

Beijing, China
Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects, Shanghai
Tongzhou Government; Beijing
Project Responsibility
Sven Plieninger


Technical Data

Opera House
1,600 seats
3-floors auditorium
Drama Theater
1,000 seats
3-floors auditorium
Concert Hall
1,500 seats
Width 20 m
Depth 13 m




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