Arena, Stadia & Arenas

Leisure Pool Stegermatt

© Fischer+Friedrich

The Stegermatt leisure pool in the Bürgerpark of Offenburg is divided in three volumes for leisure, sports, and wellness. Cantilevering roof structures and generous glass facades shape the appearance of the building and gently integrate it into the existing park landscape. Both roofs over the swimming halls for the leisure and sports pool are constructed as steel truss frames, spanning over two axes. The load-bearing roof shell consists of triple-layer wooden panels with a thickness of 40 mm. In the sauna area and the changing and shower areas, the structure is executed as a solid reinforced concrete structure, consisting of flat slabs, wall panels and slender reinforced steel and concrete composite columns. The swimming pools are reinforced concrete basins made of waterproof concrete, which was additionally sealed with a mineral sealing slurry. The indoor pools are separated from the pool plate using cantilever supports to minimize the tensile stresses on the waterproof components. The outdoor pools were founded on deep foundation concrete pillars in load-bearing subsoil, to reduce structural settlements. The basement of the swimming hall is constructed as a rigid reinforced concrete box. To ensure buoyancy security of the structure, micropiles are provided as permanent anchors in designated areas.

Arena, Stadia & Arenas
Offenburg, Germany
4a Architekten GmbH, Stuttgart
Stadt Offenburg, TBO
Project Responsibility
Jörg Kazmaier


Technical Data

10,800 m²
Gross volume
54,000 m³
Surface area of water
1,158 m² (inside), 1,110 m² (outside)




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