Michael Stein

Zur Person

Michael Stein joined schlaich bergermann partner in 1996 as an engineer. Since 2009 he has led the firm’s North American operations as a partner of the New York and, more recently, Los Angeles offices. He studied structural engineering at the University of Stuttgart and industrial engineering at AKAD University of Applied Science. In 2010 Michael Stein was awarded the Bedford Visiting Professorship at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, a four-year appointment that oversees interdisciplinary courses for architecture and engineering students. He is also a licensed professional engineer (PE) in New York and numerous other states.

Throughout his career, Michael Stein has designed projects worldwide that highlight a variety of advanced structural engineering solutions, including innovative bridges, lightweight cable roofs, transparent facades, and moveable structures. He believes in the creative skills of engineers and the benefits of an integrated design approach for construction projects. He brings expert knowledge of materials and assembly techniques to his structures and strives to find technical, economical and sustainable solutions for even the most challenging projects.

He and his team have been recognized with numerous awards for their innovative project work, including the Toronto Port Lands Bridges, the lightweight glass skylights at New York City’s Moynihan Train Hall, and the optimized glass facade of the Art Wall at 20 Hudson Yards in Manhattan.


  • ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers
  • AIA American Institute of Architects
  • AISC American Institute of Steel Construction
  • NSPE National Society of Professional Engineers
  • 2019 Toronto Urban Design Awards, Award of Merit, category Special Jury Award for Catalytic Infrastructure: Port Lands Bridges, Toronto
  • 2019 SEAoNY Excellence in Structural Engineering, category other structures: 20 Hudson Yards – Art Wall, New York City
  • Downtown Fort Worth 2015 Trailblazer Award, category Innovation, winner: Phyllis Tilley Memorial Bridge, Fort Worth, Texas
  • NSBA 2014 Steel Bridge Competition, Bridge Award for Phyllis Tilley Memorial Bridge, Fort Worth, Texas
  • NSBA 2014 Steel Bridge Competition, Merit Award for Christina and John Markey Memorial Bridge, Revere, Massachusetts
  • 2014 SEAoNY Excellence in Structural Engineering, Consol Energy Wingtip Bridge (BoyScouts Bridge), Glen Jean, West Virginia
  • ENR Global Best Projects Awards 2013, Best Project: Rehabilitation Stadium BC Place, Vancouver
  • IOC/IAKS Award Silver 2009 for Foshan Stadium
  • Waterfront Center Excellence: 2008 Annual Honor Award for Liberty Bridge, Greenville, South Carolina
National Medal of Honor Museum
Umbau Stadion BC Place
20 Hudson Yards – Art Wall
Consol Energy Wingtip Bridge (Boy Scouts Brücke)
Moynihan Train Hall