October 17, 2016

Wolfgang Schiel receives SolarPACES’ Lifetime Achievement Award

We are pleased to congratulate Wolfgang Schiel on receiving the personal award in the Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) field.


Mr. Schiel received the accolade from Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Robert Pitz-Paal, Director of the Institute of Solar Research at the DLR (German Aerospace Centre), and Cédric Philibert from the International Energy Agency (IEA), with an admirable recognition of his lifetime achievements.


The SolarPACES Lifetime Achievement Award is conferred to those whose leadership in research and management in the field of CSP technology is remarkably important for the long term commitment and engagement of the international community in cooperating for a cleaner, more affordable and accessible energy generation, honouring the personal engagement of the individuals that contribute to the deployment of CSP technology.


Mr. Schiel, in his acceptance speech, reminded all that during his 40-year long career, apart from technological improvements and cost reduction, the goal to improve CSP technology was always underpinned by the higher ambition to support emerging nations in helping themselves to build and operate affordable clean solar power plants. 


The ceremony took place in Abu Dhabi last week at the 22nd SolarPACES Conference.


Congratulations Wolfgang. We at schlaich bergermann partner are honoured to have worked with you and shared your superordinate target.