São Paulo
São Paulo
Around the globe with dedication
For more than 10 years, the engineers in our São Paulo office have been facing all challenges in the fields of architecture, engineering and energy with motivation and commitment. Deeply rooted and with a fundamental knowledge of local procedures and customs, we look forward to new tasks.
As part of our globally established network, we are on the ground in Latin America and, with our experience and expertise in building and bridge construction, sports buildings, facade projects and solar installations, we can contribute to a wide variety of design teams.
We trust in our partners
We seek creative and challenging teamwork to achieve the best possible results. Ideally, we oversee a structure from design to execution and ensure all requirements for sophisticated implementation are met. Our employees are supported by the good networking between the individual office locations in Europe, North America and Asia, which also results in a valuable transfer of knowledge.
We can also rely on the expertise of many national and international design offices with whom we have already entered into successful partnerships.
Selected projects
An eye for the big picture
We approach construction projects of all kinds with expert knowledge, creativity, team spirit, courage and perseverance. We do not let up until the best solution has been found. Our ability to realize a special and efficient building, which captivates through its uniqueness and yet is based on solid and proven principles, is our strength. We combine proven building materials with modern or rediscovered materials such as textiles, glass or carbon. Integrated into intelligent and adaptive load-bearing structures, we overcome previously seemingly insurmountable technical limits and create the virtually impossible.
In doing so, we always keep in mind our goal of contributing to a sustainable project with our philosophy of lightweight construction and thinking about the big picture.