January 18, 2023 - 7:00 pm | raumprobe, Dieselstraße 32, 70469 Stuttgart

Lightweight construction: Where is the journey heading?

Climate change is on everyone’s lips. We all know that man-made emissions are currently far too high for the targets set in the 2015 Paris climate agreement to actually be achieved – namely to limit global warming to 1.5° C compared with the pre-industrial period. We know that we need to drastically reduce our emissions in the coming years. And that we need to change many things very quickly to make this happen. But: What does all this have to do with lightweight construction? A great deal.

Construction is a major driver of climate change. Therefore, the big question for architects and engineers as well as for construction companies and clients is: How can we build in the next few years in the best resource-efficient way possible and make our built environment as light as possible? At this aed event, sbp partner Knut Göppert, Lucio Blandini (ILEK, University of Stuttgart) and Alamir Mohsen (Lithium Designer, Frankfurt a.M.) will shed light on examples of the trends and developments that already exist in research and practice – and where the journey is likely to take us in the years to come…

Further information and registration here.

Knut Göppert