January 23, 2025 - 6:29 pm

Memories of Jörg Schlaich – Celebration of Life

Already one year ago our office founder, Jörg Schlaich, passed away. This year, on the day that Jörg Schlaich would have turned 88, the memorial service “Memories of Jörg Schlaich – Celebration of Life” was held in his honor at the Phoenixhalle in Stuttgart.

In addition to the more than 200 employees present from all sbp locations, many family members and numerous friends and companions from all over the world came to remember Jörg Schlaich. The evening in a festive setting began with presentations by selected companions and ended with a get-together where guests could share their personal encounters and stories with Jörg Schlaich. Knut Göppert led through the evening.


After a short welcome to all guests and introductory words by Sven Plieninger, Mike Schlaich emotionally and very personally shared his contribution “Jörg Schlaich, family man” with the touched attendees. Office co-founder Rudolf Bergermann, as well as companions Volkwin Marg, Werner Sobek and Annette Bögle reported in the first block of lectures on their personal memories and experiences from the times when the office was founded and the institute was located at Stuttgart University.

In the international part of the program, William F. Baker, Guy Nordensen, Enzo Siviero and Michel Virlogeux spoke about the lasting influence that Jörg Schlaich had on them and their work. The contributions by Matthias Schuler, Steffen Marx and Andreas Keil dealt with topics that were particularly close to Jörg Schlaich’s heart: global bridge building and the social responsibility of engineers associated with it. Knut Stockhusen closed the official part with his reminiscences and introduced the second part of the evening – the get-together of all speakers and participants.

The reverberation that Jörg Schlaich and his work had, not only but especially on all invited guests,  was palpable throughout the evening, because his legacy connects us all.