July 27, 2024

Regensburg: New bridge design for a bicycle-friendly city

A new footbridge over the river Regen is to be built in the German city of Regensburg. The bridge will connect the northern and north-eastern districts of the city and offer a more direct and fully accessible route for pedestrians and cyclists to the old town. Earlier this year, the jury for the bridge competition already selected the bridge design by schlaich bergermann partner as well as two other entries for further elaboration.

To involve the local community in the decision-making process, all entries were shown in a public exhibition in Regensburg. In the beginning of February, a community meeting was held, to present and discuss the three selected designs. Afterwards, everyone was invited to submit their suggestions to the city administration, which were then examined and also incorporated into the recommendations to the three planning offices.


The design proposed by schlaich bergermann partner is a light suspension bridge that is anchored on one side at the north bank and elegantly spans over the river Regen, connecting the local recreational area “Grieser Spitz”. The design follows the idea that the visible supporting structure is located and arranged with the urban space on the northern side, hence intervening as little as possible with the natural space of the recreational area. Above the water, the slender superstructure of the bridge blends in well with the natural environment.


Currently, all three designs are being revised and further specified according to the recommendations of the jury and the public.