Ministry of Foreign Affairs Berlin extension building


The courtyard, oriented towards the city and continuously changing in its appearance, creates the public lobby of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Berlin, Germany. At night the glass facade reflects far into the city with its colors. The absolutely minimized structure of the glass facade consists of a two-layer cable net with vertically and horizontally spanning stainless steel cables. Besides the actual glazing consisting of glass panels 1.80 x 2.70 m, there are additional non-load bearing glass strips that create the colorful effects within the courtyard through their special coating. The courtyard is covered by a glass roof, which is carried by steel beams with a continuous cross-section size and transverse tensioned secondary beams. Rungs made of T-profiles span in-between the secondary beams, which carry the sun-screening glazing.

Berlin, Germany
Müller Reimann, Berlin
Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Bundesamt für Bauwesen und Raumordnung
Project Responsibility
Hans Schober


Technical Data

Facade height x width
24 x 32 m
stainless steel cables d=26 mm (total length 550 m), glass clamps made of stainless steel, laminated sheet glass
Roof length x width
40 x 32 m
Area roof
1,280 m²
130 t structural steel, thermopane glazing




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