Buildings, Commerce & Service, Office & Residential

Redevelopment of the Karlsruhe District Office

© wittfoht studio architekten | eesome

The Karlsruhe District Office is planning to completely demolish the existing office building on Beiertheimer Allee and construct a new building on the site. A modern, future-oriented and sustainable timber high-rise building with a height of 90 m and the five-storey low-rise building offer space for a wide variety of uses. These include seminar and conference areas for business and private customers, space for a company medical practice and a day care center. The building is primarily used as an office building. The two basement floors house technical areas and parking garages.
In accordance with the competition design and the client’s wishes, the structure is to be constructed with a high proportion of timber wherever possible. The basement floors and bracing cores are conventionally planned in reinforced concrete.

Karlsruhe, Germany
wittfoht architekten
Landratsamt Karlsruhe, Gemeindetag Baden-Württemberg
Project Responsibility
Sven Plieninger


Technical Data

63,000 m²




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