July 27, 2024

New Roof for the Montréal Olympic Stadium

sbp is thrilled to share the official announcement by Québec’s Société du Parc Olympique (SPO) that the existing membrane roof of the Olympic Stadium in Montréal will be replaced with sbp’s state-of-the-art design.

For more than five years, sbp has worked with gmp Architects and WSP to support the client in defining the design intent and technical requirements for this project. This includes the dismantling of the existing technical ring and roof as well as the final design and construction of the new technical ring and roof. The new structure will be fixed and feature glass cladding allowing natural light into the interior of the stadium. In addition, the heavy concrete technical ring will be replaced by a new, lightweight steel frame that replicates the shape of the original design. This new robust structure is designed to be a long-lasting symbol of Québec and will allow the stadium to host a wide range of events throughout the year.

The renovation of the roof is divided into three parts: the dismantling of the present roof, the dismantling and replacement of the technical ring and the installation of the new roof. Exploratory work is already ongoing, and the disassembly of the current roof is scheduled to begin this summer.

We are looking forward to the transformation of this historic Québec landmark!
