Solar, Solar Thermal Energy

HelioFocus 500 m² Big Dish – Prototype

© schlaich bergermann partner

The HelioFocus Dish is a solar concentrator with 219 mirror facets arranged in a Fresnel-like array. The steel structure is based on a stiff torque box with seven extended cantilever arms. The Mirror consists of bent glass with five point supports. A turn table out of steel hollow box girders and concrete ballast weight is supported on four double wheels and a circular crane rail. The azimuth (vertical axis) and elevation (horizontal axis) is driven by hydraulics.
Two different types of receivers were used. First a power conversion unit for generation of hot air (1000 °C) resp. steam via heat exchanger was installed. This unit can be replaced with a micro gas turbine at a later on.
Steel- and concrete construction including the drive technology were developed by schlaich bergermann und partner. The receiver development was done by HelioFocus.

Dimona, Israel
Heliofocus Ltd.Ness Ziona, Israel
Project Responsibility
Markus Balz


Technical Data

Dish size:27.5 m x 25.7 m
Focal length:14 m
Mirror surface
493 m²
Steel mass:73 t
Total mass:130 t




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