A tower with a view, whose gentle swinging motion allows visitors to experience the height and winds, while marking the point of transition between the well-tended urban gardens to the lush woods that surround the city. The net, through the platforms, stabilizes the mast and reduces its tendency to buckle under vertical compression. A compression ring at 34 m changes the direction of the cables to the top. At the outer edge of the platforms, the radial main girders are supported with clamps by the prestressed net and the inner edge is directly connected to the mast. The floors are covered with steel plates also adding to the stiffness of the platforms. The outer runner beams of the stairs are clamped to the cable-net while their inner sides support the stair treads. The tension forces of the cables are anchored in a heavy-weight foundation ring; the compression force of the mast is transferred and distributed by a central foundation slab.