Solar, Solar Thermal Energy

Stellio Heliostat

© Filmfabrik Schwaben

Stellio is an innovative heliostat developed by sbp sonne in collaboration with our partners Ingemetal and Masermic. Stellio is a paradigm shift. Its new axis arrangement allows the use of cost-efficient linear actuators for both axes, providing a cost-effective pentagonal structure. Its appropriate size and precise optics at low manufacturing costs result in a significantly improved cost/performance ratio.

Plataforma Solar de Almería (Tabernas), Spain
Ingemetal, Masermic
Stellio Consortium c/o sbp sonne gmbh
Project Responsibility
Sven Plieninger


Technical Data

Reflector surface
48.5 m², 5-sided
Heliostat contour errors (sigma slope 1D)
< 1.5 mrad
Heliostat tracking error (RMS 1D) for relevant positions
< 0.5 mrad
Performance incl. control
< 180 W
Daily maximum power consumption
< 15 W




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