Solar, Solar Thermal Energy

Ultimate Trough Testloop

© Timo Richert

A complete loop, consisting of two solar collector assemblies (SCAs) of 240 m length each, has been integrated in a plant in California. One collector assembly consists of 10 solar collector elements (SCEs). The aim of the project is to achieve a reliable basis of the fabrication and erection concepts and their respective costs. In addition the collector efficiency will be measured under working conditions to provide certainty for the design of upcoming solar thermal power plants.

Harper Lake, California, USA
Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow and Logistics (IML), Aeronautics and space research centre of Germany (DLR)
Flabeg Holding GmbH, sbp sonne gmbh
Project Responsibility
Sven Plieninger


Technical Data

Aperture width
7.5 m
SCE length
24 m
SCEs per SCA
Loop length
480 m
Aperture area
3,600 m²
Global distribution right
schlaich bergermann partner




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