Solar, Solar Thermal Energy


© sbpsonne

As a successor of the Eurotrough II parabolic trough collector, seven
collectors with an overall length of 800 m and an aperture area of 4,350 m² were developed. For the first time ever, a single drive unit was used to actuate 12 linked collector elements with an overall length of 150 m. The Loop was integrated in the existing Solar Thermal Power Plant SEGS V of the Kramer Junction Operating Company in California, USA and have been operated continuously since April 2003. The aim of the project was a proof of concept of the planned fabrication and erection concepts and their respective costs. The collector efficiency was measured under working conditions to provide safety for the design of upcoming solar thermal power plants.

Kramer Junction, California, USA
FlagSol GmbH, Köln
Bundesministerium für Umwelt Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit
Project Responsibility
Markus Balz


Technical Data

loop length
800 m
collector length
12 m
aperture width
5.8 m




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