Buildings, Office & Residential

Bundestag Plenary Hall

© sbp

The Plenary Hall in Bonn was completed in 1992 and used by the German Bundestag until 1999.
The 2-storey basement was designed in jointless reinforced concrete structure. The 80 cm strong bottom-plate does ensure watertightness and safety against uplift. The first floors are made of steel structure with welded, concrete-poured columns, girders and composite steel decks. For the roof structure a steel grid system, composed out of welded girders was used. The building complex is stiffened by crosswise fixed stainless steel cables.

Bonn, Germany
Behnisch und Partner, Stuttgart
Bundesbaudirektion Bonn
Project Responsibility
Jörg Schlaich, Rudolf Bergermann


Technical Data

Gross floor area
30,600 m²
Gross cubic capacity
152,000 m³
Structural steel
2,200 t




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