Bridges, Pedestrian Bridges

Passerelle Saint-Laud Station

© sbp/Michael Zimmermann

The new bridge at the railway station is part of a comprehensive revitalization measure by the city of Angers. The fully-accessible walkway between the station and an expanding new development area is intended to relieve the traffic situation for pedestrians and cyclists around the station.
The width of the footbridge varies along the curved outline from 6 to 8 m. Approximately half of width of the bridge superstructure consists of a steel box girder of varying dimensions, completed by lateral cantilevering brackets to achieve the total width. The box girder rests on five V-columns made of rectangular steel profiles.
The steel columns are rigidly connected to their concrete bases and to the steel box girder (integral bridge).
Elevated timber frames, denser in the middle of the bridge and at greater distances on both sides, protect passers-by and cyclists from wind and rain.
The curved bridge blends functionally and architecturally into the complex and busy station environment.

Angers, France
Dietmar Feichtinger Architectes, Paris
ALTER (for the City of Angers)
Project Responsibility
Michael Zimmermann


Technical Data

Total length with abutment
335 m
Main span
35 m
4 - 8 m




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