The client wanted a pedestrian and cycle path connection via the busy Hans-Stuck-Strasse, which is to remain in place even after the Bavarian State Garden Show 2021.
The landscape concept for the garden show area has a very clear and concise design language and was developed in the area of industry, culture and landscape. The design of the pedestrian bridge is linked to this context and this formal language, with sharp-edged cross-sections, clearly defined edges and transitions, and without curved lines or surfaces. When designing the bridge, great importance was attached to developing a memorable, interesting supporting structure with its own identity.
The bridge was designed as a bearingless, integral structure. The fixed point of the bridge is located at the western abutment. With increasing length and longitudinal deformation, the length of the columns also increases, which is favorable for the resulting
forced claims. The constraining stress resulting from the longitudinal deformation is kept low and harmless by the corresponding flexibility of the columns, which results from the column length and the column cross-section.
By day and by night, the pedestrian bridge marks the main entrance to the garden show. At dusk, the construction of the bridge is gently illuminated and thus remains in its original state the evening hours an unmistakable scenery.