To integrate the new building of the Walter Lindner gymnasium, situated between the river Nagold and the federal highway B46, into its surroundings, the construction of two new pedestrian and cycle bridges became necessary. The bridges should be to be recognizable as a bridge family. The larger bridge, an integral steel construction, spans from the gymnasium, across the river Nagold and to the neighbouring estate. The bridge superstructure is clamped in both abutments, while the steel box girder of the superstructure is continued in the abutment blocks. The reinforcement of the abutment blocks is carried out by the vertical steel fins of the superstructure. On the other side of the gymnasium a steel bridge allows safe crossing of the B463 to the main parking lot of the sports area. The superstructure of this shorter bridge is clamped only unilaterally in the abutment. On the side of the parking bay the bridge is stored on Elastomer-distortion storage.